GPFC offers a proprietary Spot Market Simulator (SMS) application consisting of three specially designed modules that can operate independently as well as collectively. Each of the modules offer the following features:

The Transmission Network module models the complicated power system network with proper flows through an accurate representation of an electrical transmission network and not a transportation model. This module provides a solid foundation for the next module.

The Hourly Spot Market Simulator module is used in simulating the impact on spot market clearing prices due to fuels costs, generation planned outage schedules and forced outage rates, weather (or load), market rules (e.g. LMP, Uniform Pricing), and market behaviors (bidding & offering strategies).

Lastly, the Congestion Management module provides a means to study the impact of: (a) local transmission congestion and its impact on anticipated generation dispatches, and (b) inter-regional transmission congestion among the IESO and the ISO.